Collection: [ Pictūra ] - Portraits of Time

[ Pictūra ] our bespoke unframed gallery fine art prints, our exclusive gallery collection.

The images in this collection are custom-measured, with borders, and the prints are designed for easy framing. Our [ Pictūra ] collection provides an experience of the elegance of European gallery sizes. The work in this collection in these sizes is our exclusive collection of unframed prints.

This collection is an open edition. The first 1000 image of each print comes with a certification of authentication.

All detailed information is available with each work. Read more about our gallery sizing and framing in our curation guide here.

(Bespoke larger-size prints (80 x 60 cm) are available on request and will be printed and handled in Berlin. Bespoke work and larger sizes are inspected for quality and require us to do AP (artist's proofs) using our print partners here in Berlin. Get in contact for more details)